Getting Started with Professional Social Media

Half day | Online or in person

This course is aimed at staff or teams that need to engage with social media platforms but are not themselves marketing professionals. Perhaps you're a team of staff that are yet to get to grips with even the basics, or maybe you have Facebook and Instagram accounts but have never used them for more than sending messages or posting the odd photo. This course is there if you're not sure how to make the leap from being a casual user to meaningfully engaging with platforms on behalf of your team or organisation.

We explore the most common platforms and the features they offer (with a little about some more specialist platforms), how to set up accounts and get started, and some tips and tricks for creating content that engages your audience. This course focuses on the tools available and building confidence in use of the platform, rather than marketing or using them to grow your business. There’s a big emphasis on building communities and ensuring both staff and your audience get the most out of your social media presence.

What's Covered

This course covers the following areas:

  • What do you know about social media: A discussion of how different people use it
  • What's out there: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and more
  • The right platform for the job: What each service is good (and not so good) for
  • Getting started: Best practice around creating accounts for your team or company
  • Content that matters: Tips for creating meaningful, engaging content and campaigns for your audience
  • Professional versus personal: How to balance tone of content between you, your organisation and the social media platform
  • Beyond the basics: Third party tools and paid services (are ads worth it?)
All course content can be adjusted for you or your organisation. The course descriptions offer an overview of topics and do not represent an exact format or structure. If you need us to focus on a particular area or would like is to include something we don't mention, just let us know and we'll do our best to make it work for you!