Train the Trainer

One day / Two half days | Online or in person

Whether you're a manager sharing new skills and local knowledge with new starters, helping a team deploying a new service, or wanting to get into training as a career, there is more to training than just talking to people. This course covers a range of techniques and skills needed to construct and deliver an effective training session on any topic, ranging from short 1 to 1 briefings to large workshops with dozens of attendees.

Over two half days, we’ll look at the building blocks that go into planning any training and go on to look at the basics of presentation skills, audience participation and more. The course focuses on communication and people as being key to the success of delivering training on any scale. It then takes a look under the hood at some of the tips and tricks trainers use to understand their trainees to ensure everyone engages and gets the most out of it.

What's Covered

Part 1
  • Ice breaker: Plus the secrets behind ice breakers
  • What you're working with: Your options for venue or format, including online
  • Planning a session: structure and timing
  • Preparing materials: PowerPoint and handouts
  • Interactivity: Activities, adding variety and making it memorable
  • Conversations with confidence: Presenting to a room, group discussions and pair learning

Part 2
  • Prepare yourself: Develop your own short training session
  • Giving it a go: Deliver a short training session, followed by questions and feedback
  • Trainee behaviour: Handling challenging and varied characters
  • Feedback: How to get it, why it's important and how to use it
All course content can be adjusted for you or your organisation. The course descriptions offer an overview of topics and do not represent an exact format or structure. If you need us to focus on a particular area or would like is to include something we don't mention, just let us know and we'll do our best to make it work for you!